Faith Communities Working Together to Tackle Domestic Abuse
We are about raising awareness within our faith communities of domestic abuse, challenging preconceptions and standing together as people of God with those who are abused.
Our Members:
Janette Henderson - Church of Scotland Guild
Evy Yedd/Nicola Livingston - Glasgow Jewish Representative Council
Kate Arnot - Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Jean Urquhart - Social Care - Roman Catholic Diocese of Paisley
Maureen Russell - Scottish Episcopal Church
Hilary Moran - The Mother's Union
Rabbia Roshan - AMINA
Megan Kervin - Salvation Army
If you, or someone you know, are a member of an unrepresented faith and might be interested in joining our committee, do please get in touch through our Contact Us page.
Our Activities:
At present we are raising awareness with a shoe exhibition ‘Souls of our Shoes’. We have approx. 70 pairs, each with a caption mostly from those who are survivors of abuse, but also from those from faith communities and politicians. It has been held in many places in Scotland such as the Scottish Parliament Edinburgh, St Mungo Museum Glasgow, Scottish Episcopal Cathedrals of Glasgow and Edinburgh and many smaller churches and shop windows. We have been at several events and conferences such as the Mothers’ Union conference, ‘Heart and Soul’ Church of Scotland event Princes Street, Edinburgh and lunch time at Scottish Parliament. Our latest venture is into senior schools and prisons, where we also run workshops. We have the physical shoes and a photographic shoe exhibition which can be sent anywhere in the country by courier. We just ask for the cost of transport to be met by those borrowing the shoes.
If you would like more information and/or to borrow the shoe exhibition, do please get in touch through our Contact Us page.
All faiths have something to say about domestic abuse, it makes sense to say it together. Together we have a stronger voice.
This is our complete
Interfaith_Statement on Domestic Abuse.
We meet under the auspices of the Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Service, an agency of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (also known as the Catholic National Endowment Trust), which is a Scottish Charity (Number SC016650).