Children and young people experience domestic abuse as victims and as witnesses to the abuse of
other family members. They are not to be forgotten in the fray.
We have taken the shoe exhibition into an Academy setting, where throughout the day teachers
accompanied pupils from all years to view 60+ pairs of shoes and corresponding comments arranged
across the floor of the school hall. Various support agency leaflets were available and pupils were
invited to write observations, comments and questions on a ‘talking wall’. Many did this.
Accompanying staff remained vigilant, ready to engage with pupils who might be adversely affected
by the exhibition. Several were.
Noticeably there were pupils who viewed the exhibition a second and even a third time, returning in
the break and at lunch time.
Discussion with senior teaching staff has shown that the effectiveness of the shoe exhibition can be
maximised when linked to e.g. Religious & Moral Education subjects; specific units e.g. Domestic
Violence; annual day or week events e.g. Anti-bullying week; as a topic for tutor periods, essay
writing, art, drama, competitions and volunteer awards. A leaflet outlining the exhibition and its
possible uses is available for distribution to Head Teachers.